Why Brain Injuries Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney

The brain is a complex organ responsible for many of the body’s vital functions. It controls everything from movement and behavior to emotion and thought. The brain is made up of billions of neurons that communicate with each other to make all these processes possible. Furthermore, the brain also acts as a storehouse for our memories, allowing us to remember past events or learn new information quickly and efficiently.

In order for this communication between neurons in the human brain to be effective, there must be a sufficient supply of oxygen-rich blood flowing through it at all times. This ensures that every single neuron has enough energy available so they can send signals throughout their network without interruption or delay due to a lack of resources.

Additionally, certain hormones released by glands in our body help regulate how different parts within our brains interact with one another depending on what we are experiencing at any given moment – such as feeling happy after receiving good news or tensing up when faced with danger – by sending chemicals known as neurotransmitters throughout its neural networks which have an effect on both mental state and physical reactions like increased heart rate or muscle tension respectively. 

Unfortunately though despite these natural mechanisms put into place within us, sometimes brain injuries can occur that cause damage to these delicate neural networks. Depending on the severity of the injury, this could lead to a range of different issues from memory loss and difficulty with learning new skills, all the way through to physical impairments and even death in extreme cases. 

As such it is vital for those affected by such incidents to seek out professional medical attention as soon as possible; however, in some instances, this might not be enough on its own which is why seeking help from a medical malpractice attorney may prove beneficial too. 

What is a Brain Injury?

A brain injury is any type of physical damage caused to the brain and can be either mild or severe depending on the extent of it. This type of injury can have a range of effects on an individual’s physical, mental and psychological functioning; with some cases leading to long-term disabilities while others may even prove fatal.

Brain injuries come in different forms including: 

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): 
    • These are typically caused by a sudden external force such as an accident or fall which causes direct trauma to the head resulting in bruising, swelling, or bleeding within the brain tissue itself. 
  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): 
    • These are injuries that occur over time due to prolonged exposure like drug abuse, oxygen deprivation during birth complications, or stroke-related issues. 
  • Anoxic/ Hypoxic Brain Injury: 
    • This occurs when oxygen supply is greatly reduced for any period whether it’s minutes up until hours at a time which leads to cells not receiving enough energy needed for essential functions resulting in serious consequences such as memory loss and motor coordination problems among other things. 
  • Infectious Diseases: 
    • Some diseases like meningitis can spread quickly through contact with infected individuals leading them to cause inflammation inside one’s skull area thus damaging the brain significantly. 
  • Toxic Exposure: 
    • Exposure to certain substances like lead or mercury can also cause damage over time due to their toxic nature. 

Brain injuries are not always caused by external forces as there are some internal factors which can contribute as well such as genetic abnormalities, birth defects, and medical conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease that can all result in impaired mental functioning over time if left untreated or undiagnosed for too long. 

There are multiple ways in which a brain injury might occur including but not limited to the following scenarios: 

  • Vehicle Accidents/ Falls from heights 
    • High-speed collisions between vehicles and/or falls from great heights have been known to cause severe trauma to one’s head leading them suffering TBI symptoms; this is especially true when it comes to bike riders who often don’t wear helmets during rides thus increasing the chance of serious injury should something go wrong while out on the road. 
  • Sports Injuries 
    • Certain sports involve contact between players resulting in blows being exchanged frequently with high velocity thus making it more likely for someone involved to sustain a traumatic head injury due to either direct impact or indirect means like the whiplash effect where a sudden change in direction causes neck muscles to strain beyond their limits thus leading to trauma within the skull area. 
  • Physical Abuse 
    • Domestic violence or any other form of physical abuse can cause serious damage if it involves a blow being delivered directly to one’s head and/or face, as such this should never be taken lightly by those who witness it nor should they ignore it when reported by victims themselves. 
  • Substance Abuse 
    • Abusing drugs and alcohol can lead someone to go through withdrawal symptoms which include paranoia, confusion, and disorientation all of which could eventually result in them sustaining an injury due to poor judgment or reckless behavior caused from their altered state at that moment; severe cases often require medical attention as soon as possible so seek help immediately if you know someone dealing with substance abuse issues like this.
  • Medical Malpractice 
    • In some cases, a medical professional might fail to properly diagnose or treat an illness in time leading to the patient’s condition worsening significantly and/or even causing brain damage due to lack of proper care. 

Brain Injury Lawyers California | Brain Injury Lawyers Los Angeles

Brain injuries can be devastating for individuals affected by them as well as their families; however, it is important that those who have been injured seek legal help from a qualified brain injury lawyer that specializes in medical malpractice if they feel like negligence was involved in order to receive compensation for any damages sustained during such incidents. 

Why Do You Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney?

In some cases, a brain injury might not have been caused by an accident or fall but rather by the negligence of a medical professional. This is where seeking help from a medical malpractice attorney becomes essential as they can provide guidance and advice to those affected in order to ensure that all legal rights are protected and any compensation due is duly received.

Here’s how an experienced lawyer can help you if you’ve been injured due to someone else’s carelessness: 

  • Gather evidence
    • By gathering all necessary paperwork related to your case, your lawyer will be able to prepare for trial proceedings more efficiently thus helping increase the chances of success during such events. 
  • Negotiate with insurance companies 
    • Many times victims find it difficult to deal with insurance firms as negotiations often require them to know their rights which usually requires assistance from someone who understands this process well; having said that, lawyers are particularly adept at this task so enlisting one could prove invaluable when trying settle on favorable terms without taking too long about it either way. 
  • Representation during court hearings 
    • Should things ever escalate into full-blown trials then having representation present could mean the difference between winning or losing such matters so make sure whoever handles yours knows what they’re doing before things go too far. 
  • Advice on legal procedures 
    • Not many people are familiar with the steps required when filing a claim so it is always beneficial to have someone who can give you details on what needs to be done without having to worry about any paperwork yourself as this will only add unnecessary stress during such difficult times. 
  • Settlement offers 
    • If all goes well then an experienced lawyer should be able to negotiate a fair settlement offer for you otherwise taking the matter up to court may be necessary; either way, having them around gives more confidence knowing that your case is being handled properly from start till finish thus minimizing chances of getting taken advantage off down road due lack information or expertise in these matters.

It’s important though that one finds the right kind of attorney for their case as not all specialize in medical malpractice cases, so research should be conducted beforehand to ensure that the person hired has experience in this field and can provide the best possible outcome for their clients.

Furthermore, it is also important to note that laws pertaining to medical malpractice vary from state to state; as such it’s essential for those who have been injured due to someone else’s negligence to be aware of what rights they possess under applicable legislation before taking any further action. 

Finally, a qualified attorney will be able to help victims get compensated adequately when faced with brain injuries caused by medical malpractice thus enabling them to lead more comfortable lives going forward while feeling secure knowing they have legal representation throughout all proceedings related cases if ever needed down the road too. 

Getting Your Stuff Together

Brain injuries can range from mild concussions up to life-threatening traumas depending on the extent of damage sustained which is why seeking professional help immediately should always be first priority after any incident involving head trauma occurs; yet even then there still might need for additional assistance in form of legal guidance provided by an experienced medical malpractice attorney who understands complexities associated with such claims thereby ensuring affected individuals receive the justice due t- them regardless the situation at hand.