Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Star Gavin Leatherwood Opens Up About Being Gay

It’s not every day that a high-profile actor opens up about their sexuality, but Gavin Leatherwood has recently done just that. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina star has come out as gay, and his honesty has been met with an outpouring of support from fans and the entertainment industry.

Gavin Leatherwood’s Journey

Gavin Leatherwood, who plays the role of Nicholas Scratch on the hit Netflix series, bravely shared his personal story with the world in a heartfelt Instagram post. In the post, he thanked his friends, family, and co-stars for their unwavering support, and he expressed his hope that his own journey can help others who may be struggling with their own sexuality.

The Importance of Representation

Leatherwood’s decision to publicly come out as gay is significant for a number of reasons. In an industry that has historically struggled with LGBTQ+ representation, his openness and vulnerability serve as a powerful message to others who may be grappling with their own identity. By sharing his truth, Leatherwood is helping to break down barriers and eliminate the stigma surrounding coming out.

A Role Model for LGBTQ+ Youth

As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, Leatherwood’s announcement has the potential to make a significant impact on LGBTQ+ youth. Seeing someone they admire and look up to embrace their sexuality can provide them with a sense of hope and validation. By being open about who he is, Leatherwood is showing young people that it’s okay to be true to themselves and that they are not alone in their experiences.

Support from the Entertainment Community

Following Leatherwood’s announcement, an outpouring of support came from his fellow actors, industry professionals, and fans. Many celebrities took to social media to express their admiration for his courage and to offer words of encouragement. This display of solidarity further emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and acceptance within the entertainment community.

Embracing Authenticity

Gavin Leatherwood’s decision to be open about being gay serves as a reminder of the power of authenticity. By sharing his truth, he is living authentically and leading by example, inspiring others to do the same. In a world where societal pressures and expectations often dictate how people should live their lives, Leatherwood’s openness is a beacon of authenticity and bravery.


Gavin Leatherwood’s decision to come out as gay has sparked important conversations about LGBTQ+ representation, visibility, and acceptance. His openness and vulnerability have made a positive impact on many, and his courage serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living authentically. As we continue to progress toward a more inclusive and accepting society, stories like Leatherwood’s are vital in breaking down barriers and inspiring others to embrace their true selves.


Is Gavin Leatherwood the first openly gay actor in the entertainment industry?

No, Gavin Leatherwood is not the first openly gay actor in the entertainment industry. However, his decision to come out has added to the growing number of LGBTQ+ individuals in the public eye who are sharing their stories and becoming advocates for greater inclusivity and acceptance.

How has the public responded to Gavin Leatherwood’s announcement?

The public response to Gavin Leatherwood’s coming out has been overwhelmingly positive, with an outpouring of support from fans, fellow actors, and industry professionals. Many have commended his bravery and expressed gratitude for his openness.

What impact does Gavin Leatherwood’s announcement have on LGBTQ+ youth?

Gavin Leatherwood’s openness about being gay has the potential to have a profound impact on LGBTQ+ youth. His visibility and authenticity can provide them with a sense of hope, validation, and representation, and can serve as a source of inspiration for those who may be struggling with their own identity.

gavin leatherwood gay
Gavin Leatherwood, the star of the hit Netflix series “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina,” recently opened up about his sexuality in an emotional Instagram post. In the post, Leatherwood revealed that he is gay, and expressed gratitude for the love and support he has received from his fans and colleagues.

The news was met with an outpouring of support from fans and fellow actors, with many expressing admiration for Leatherwood’s courage in coming out. The actor, who plays the character of Nicholas Scratch on the show, has been praised for his honest and heartfelt message, which has resonated with many in the LGBTQ+ community.

In his post, Leatherwood spoke about the importance of being true to oneself and living authentically, and thanked those who have supported him on his journey. His bold move to come out in such a public way has sparked important conversations about representation and visibility in the entertainment industry, and has been met with widespread support and encouragement.

The Netflix star’s decision to come out has also been applauded for its potential to inspire and empower others who may be struggling with their own identity. By sharing his story, Leatherwood has shown that it is possible to live openly and authentically, and has become a powerful advocate for LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance.

In an interview with a leading entertainment magazine, Leatherwood expressed his hope that his coming out story will inspire others to embrace their true selves and feel comfortable in their own skin. The actor also shared his excitement at the prospect of being able to use his platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and representation in the media.

Leatherwood’s decision to come out has been met with overwhelming support from his “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” co-stars and the show’s creators, who have all shared messages of love and encouragement on social media. The actor’s honesty and vulnerability have further endeared him to his fans and have cemented his status as a role model for LGBTQ+ youth.

Overall, Gavin Leatherwood’s decision to come out as gay has been met with an outpouring of love and support from fans, colleagues, and the LGBTQ+ community. His bravery and openness have sparked important conversations about representation and visibility, and have set a powerful example for others struggling with their own identity. Through his honesty and vulnerability, Leatherwood has become a powerful advocate for LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance, and has helped pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse entertainment industry. gavin leatherwood gay