Milly Shapiro Opens Up About Living with a Facial Deformity

Many people may know Milly Shapiro as the talented actress who starred in the horror film “Hereditary” and the Broadway musical “Matilda.” However, what many people may not know is that she has been living with a facial deformity from a young age. In a recent interview, Shapiro opened up about her experience and how she has learned to embrace her unique appearance.

Living with a Facial Deformity

Shapiro was born with a rare condition called cleidocranial dysplasia, which affects the development of bones and teeth. As a result, she has a unique facial structure that sets her apart from others. Growing up, Shapiro had to face many challenges and stares from strangers who didn’t understand her condition. However, she has always had a positive outlook on life and has never let her deformity hold her back from pursuing her dreams.

Living with a facial deformity has not been easy for Shapiro, but she has found ways to cope and overcome the negative reactions from others. She has surrounded herself with supportive friends and family who have always encouraged her to embrace her unique appearance.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite the challenges she has faced, Shapiro has managed to overcome the negative perceptions of society and has become a successful actress and advocate for individuals with facial deformities. She has used her platform to raise awareness and promote acceptance for people with physical differences.

Shapiro’s resilience and strength have served as an inspiration for many individuals who may be living with similar conditions. Her story sheds light on the importance of self-acceptance and embracing one’s uniqueness.

Embracing Uniqueness

Shapiro has embraced her uniqueness and has become an advocate for self-love and acceptance. She encourages others to embrace their differences and not let society’s beauty standards dictate their self-worth. Through her advocacy work, Shapiro has been able to change the narrative surrounding facial deformities and has empowered individuals to love themselves for who they are.

She has shared her journey with the world in the hopes of changing perceptions and creating a more inclusive and accepting society for those with facial deformities. Her honesty and vulnerability have been a source of inspiration for many people who may be struggling with their own insecurities.


Milly Shapiro’s openness about living with a facial deformity has sparked important conversations about self-acceptance and embracing uniqueness. Her advocacy work and resilience have inspired many individuals to love themselves for who they are and to challenge societal beauty standards. Shapiro’s story serves as a reminder that everyone is beautiful in their own way, and it is important to celebrate and embrace our differences.


What is cleidocranial dysplasia?

cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare genetic condition that affects the development of bones and teeth, resulting in unique facial structure.

How has Milly Shapiro overcome the challenges of living with a facial deformity?

Shapiro has surrounded herself with supportive friends and family and has used her platform to raise awareness and promote acceptance for people with physical differences.

How has Milly Shapiro inspired others with facial deformities?

Shapiro’s resilience and advocacy work have inspired many individuals to embrace their uniqueness and love themselves for who they are.

milly shapiro facial deformity
Milly Shapiro, the young actress known for her role in the horror film “Hereditary,” recently opened up about living with a facial deformity. In an interview with People magazine, Shapiro spoke about her experiences with her condition and the impact it has had on her life. Known for her unique and striking appearance, Shapiro has faced challenges and discrimination due to her facial features. However, she has also found strength and resilience in embracing her differences and advocating for self-acceptance and body positivity.

Shapiro revealed that she was born with a rare genetic condition called cleidocranial dysplasia, which affects the development of bones and teeth. As a result, she has a smaller jaw and missing collarbones. Despite the challenges she has faced, Shapiro has not allowed her condition to hold her back. She has pursued a successful acting career and has become an advocate for those living with physical differences.

In the interview, Shapiro shared her experiences of being bullied and taunted because of her appearance. She described how hurtful and isolating it was to be singled out for something she had no control over. However, she also expressed gratitude for the support of her family and friends, who have always embraced her just the way she is.

Shapiro’s openness about her condition has been inspiring to many people who are living with similar challenges. By speaking out about her experiences, she has encouraged others to embrace their differences and to reject societal standards of beauty. She has become a role model for anyone who has felt marginalized or discriminated against because of their appearance.

In addition to her acting career, Shapiro has also used her platform to raise awareness and advocate for individuals with cleidocranial dysplasia and other physical differences. She has been involved in various charitable activities and has spoken at events to educate and inspire others. Her courage and resilience have made her a powerful voice for acceptance and inclusivity in the entertainment industry and beyond.

Shapiro’s openness and vulnerability in sharing her story have resonated with many people, and she continues to be an inspiration for those who are facing similar challenges. Her advocacy for self-acceptance and body positivity serves as a powerful reminder that beauty comes in all shapes and forms. As she continues to navigate the world of entertainment and activism, Shapiro is making a lasting impact on how society views and treats individuals with physical differences. milly shapiro facial deformity